MTW provides the skills and experience to your project or grant application

MTW has helped local supply chains obtain over £300 million of new contracts, working with over 2,700 SMEs across London and the South East.  We have helped our clients to raise over £50 million in Lottery and partnership funding.

MTW undertakes site development feasibility studies, sports strategies, sports development plans, playing pitch strategies, business planning, market research and lottery applications across all the main Lottery distributors (Sport, Heritage, Arts, NOF and Charities). We have undertaken a large number of Parks studies usually working alongside landscape planners and architects often in support of Heritage Lottery funding applications. These have included business planning and audience development studies for Brockwell Park, Alexandra Road Park, Springfield Park, Dukes Meadows Park and Southwark Park among many others.

MTW’s knowledge, experience and consultancy skills in the leisure sector have evolved organically out of the many assignments, strategies and feasibility studies we have carried out for both public and private sector clients. We offer a comprehensive package of:

  • Market Research
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Option Appraisal
  • Business Planning
  • Funding strategy

We often work as part of a project team that could include architects, landscape planners and other technical consultants. We can support you in a number of ways including: 

  • Feasibility Studies for Parks, Sports, Arts, Heritage, and Tourism projects
  • National Lottery Bids (across all distributors i.e. Heritage, Arts, Sport, Big Lottery)
  • Site Development strategies